Exact Science


Explore a variety of Math Competitions and Examinations where we have already assisted our students in attaining exceptional results!



Our tutors have helped more than 120 pupils achieve high results in various Maths and Programming competitions, olympiads, and exams

First Mathematics Challenge

The First Mathematics Challenge (FMC) has been specifically created to give all pupils, UK and worldwide aged between 7-9, the opportunity to take part in a fun Mathematical Challenge.

Primary Mathematics Challenge

Created by The Mathematical Association, the Primary Mathematics Challenge (PMC) is a fun and exciting mathematical challenge.

The PMC is not designed to be just another test in the school year.  We are of the belief that the PMC encourages enthusiasm, boosts confidence in mathematics and shows the different way questions can be asked. We believe in the importance of problem solving as a means of helping pupils develop their reasoning skills.

Junior Mathematical Olympiad

A follow-on Round to the Junior Maths Challenge, the Junior Olympiad is a 2 hour Challenge consisting of 16 problems; 10 answer only questions in Section A and six Olympiad style questions in Section B.

Entry to the Junior Olympiad is by invitation based on a qualifying JMC score, or by discretionary entry.

Around 1,200 students qualify from the JMC each year.

Junior Mathematical Challenge

A 60 minute, 25 multiple choice Challenge. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think.

The problems on the Junior Maths Challenge are accessible yet still challenge those with more experience.

Junior Kangaroo

A follow-on Round to the Junior Maths Challenge, the Junior Kangaroo is a 60 minute, 25 multiple choice challenge.

Entry to the Junior Kangaroo is by invitation based on a qualifying JMC score, or by discretionary entry. Several thousand UK-based students qualify from the JMC each year. Open to UK schools only.

Grey Kangaroo

As follow-on Rounds to the Intermediate Maths Challenge, the Grey and Pink Kangaroos are 60 minute, 25 multiple choice challenges. Entry to the Grey and Pink Kangaroos is by invitation based on a qualfying IMC score, or by discretionary entry. Several thousand UK-based students qualify from the IMC each year. Open to UK schools only.

Hamilton Mathematical Olympiad

A follow-on Round to the Junior Maths Challenge, the Junior Olympiad is a 2 hour Challenge consisting of 16 problems; 10 answer only questions in Section A and six Olympiad style questions in Section B.

Entry to the Junior Olympiad is by invitation based on a qualifying JMC score, or by discretionary entry.

Around 1,200 students qualify from the JMC each year.

These problems are meant to be challenging! The earlier questions tend to be easier; later questions tend to be more demanding.
Do not hurry, but spend time working carefully on one question before attempting another.
Try to finish whole questions even if you cannot do many: you will have done well if you hand in full solutions to two or more questions.
You may wish to work in rough first, then set out your final solution with clear explanations and proofs.

Maclaurin Mathematical Olympiad

A follow-on Round to the Junior Maths Challenge, the Junior Olympiad is a 2 hour Challenge consisting of 16 problems; 10 answer only questions in Section A and six Olympiad style questions in Section B.

Entry to the Junior Olympiad is by invitation based on a qualifying JMC score, or by discretionary entry.

Around 1,200 students qualify from the JMC each year.

These problems are meant to be challenging! The earlier questions tend to be easier; later questions tend to be more demanding.
Do not hurry, but spend time working carefully on one question before attempting another.
Try to finish whole questions even if you cannot do many: you will have done well if you hand in full solutions to two or more questions.
You may wish to work in rough first, then set out your final solution with clear explanations and proofs.

Cayley Mathematical Olympiad

As follow-on Rounds to the Intermediate Maths Challenge, the Cayley, Hamilton and Maclaurin Maths Olympiads are 2 hour Challenges consisting of six Olympiad style problems. Entry to the Intermediate Olympiads is by invitation based on a qualifying IMC score, or by discretionary entry. Around 1,800 students qualify from the IMC each year.

Pink Kangaroo

As follow-on Rounds to the Intermediate Maths Challenge, the Grey and Pink Kangaroos are 60 minute, 25 multiple choice challenges. Entry to the Grey and Pink Kangaroos is by invitation based on a qualfying IMC score, or by discretionary entry. Several thousand UK-based students qualify from the IMC each year. Open to UK schools only.

Intermediate Mathematical Challenge

A 60 minute, 25 multiple choice Challenge.

It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think.

The problems on the Intermediate Maths Challenge are designed to make students think, most are accessible yet still challenge those with more experience.

Senior Kangaroo

A follow-on Round to the Senior Maths Challenge, the Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo is a 60 minute, 20 multiple choice challenge. Entry to the Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo is by invitation based on a qualifying Senior Mathematical Challenge score, or by discretionary entry. Several thousand UK-based students qualify from the SMC each year. Open to UK schools only.

Mathematical Olympiad for Girls

The Maths Olympiad for Girls is aimed at girls and young women across the UK and consists of five challenging problems. Entry to MOG is by discretionary entry.

Senior Mathematical Challenge

First Round Challenge: A 90 minute, 25 multiple choice question first round Challenge aimed at students year 13 or below. The problems on the Senior Maths Challenge are designed to make students think. Stimulating problems for both beginners and experienced problem-solvers.

Daily Problems published on Instagram page.

A follow-on Round to the Senior Maths Challenge, the Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo is a 60 minute, 20 multiple choice challenge. Entry to the Andrew Jobbings Senior Kangaroo is by invitation based on a qualifying Senior Mathematical Challenge score, or by discretionary entry. Several thousand UK-based students qualify from the SMC each year. Open to UK schools only.

The First Mathematics Challenge (FMC) has been specifically created to give all pupils, UK and worldwide aged between 7-9, the opportunity to take part in a fun Mathematical Challenge.

The Maths Olympiad for Girls is aimed at girls and young women across the UK and consists of five challenging problems. Entry to MOG is by discretionary entry.

A follow-on Round to the Junior Maths Challenge, the Junior Olympiad is a 2 hour Challenge consisting of 16 problems; 10 answer only questions in Section A and six Olympiad style questions in Section B.

Entry to the Junior Olympiad is by invitation based on a qualifying JMC score, or by discretionary entry.

Around 1,200 students qualify from the JMC each year.

As follow-on Rounds to the Intermediate Maths Challenge, the Grey and Pink Kangaroos are 60 minute, 25 multiple choice challenges. Entry to the Grey and Pink Kangaroos is by invitation based on a qualfying IMC score, or by discretionary entry. Several thousand UK-based students qualify from the IMC each year. Open to UK schools only.

A follow-on Round to the Junior Maths Challenge, the Junior Olympiad is a 2 hour Challenge consisting of 16 problems; 10 answer only questions in Section A and six Olympiad style questions in Section B.

Entry to the Junior Olympiad is by invitation based on a qualifying JMC score, or by discretionary entry.

Around 1,200 students qualify from the JMC each year.

These problems are meant to be challenging! The earlier questions tend to be easier; later questions tend to be more demanding.
Do not hurry, but spend time working carefully on one question before attempting another.
Try to finish whole questions even if you cannot do many: you will have done well if you hand in full solutions to two or more questions.
You may wish to work in rough first, then set out your final solution with clear explanations and proofs.

A follow-on Round to the Junior Maths Challenge, the Junior Olympiad is a 2 hour Challenge consisting of 16 problems; 10 answer only questions in Section A and six Olympiad style questions in Section B.

Entry to the Junior Olympiad is by invitation based on a qualifying JMC score, or by discretionary entry.

Around 1,200 students qualify from the JMC each year.

These problems are meant to be challenging! The earlier questions tend to be easier; later questions tend to be more demanding.
Do not hurry, but spend time working carefully on one question before attempting another.
Try to finish whole questions even if you cannot do many: you will have done well if you hand in full solutions to two or more questions.
You may wish to work in rough first, then set out your final solution with clear explanations and proofs.

As follow-on Rounds to the Intermediate Maths Challenge, the Cayley, Hamilton and Maclaurin Maths Olympiads are 2 hour Challenges consisting of six Olympiad style problems. Entry to the Intermediate Olympiads is by invitation based on a qualifying IMC score, or by discretionary entry. Around 1,800 students qualify from the IMC each year.

As follow-on Rounds to the Intermediate Maths Challenge, the Grey and Pink Kangaroos are 60 minute, 25 multiple choice challenges. Entry to the Grey and Pink Kangaroos is by invitation based on a qualfying IMC score, or by discretionary entry. Several thousand UK-based students qualify from the IMC each year. Open to UK schools only.

A follow-on Round to the Junior Maths Challenge, the Junior Kangaroo is a 60 minute, 25 multiple choice challenge.

Entry to the Junior Kangaroo is by invitation based on a qualifying JMC score, or by discretionary entry. Several thousand UK-based students qualify from the JMC each year. Open to UK schools only.

Created by The Mathematical Association, the Primary Mathematics Challenge (PMC) is a fun and exciting mathematical challenge.

The PMC is not designed to be just another test in the school year.  We are of the belief that the PMC encourages enthusiasm, boosts confidence in mathematics and shows the different way questions can be asked. We believe in the importance of problem solving as a means of helping pupils develop their reasoning skills.

First Round Challenge: A 90 minute, 25 multiple choice question first round Challenge aimed at students year 13 or below. The problems on the Senior Maths Challenge are designed to make students think. Stimulating problems for both beginners and experienced problem-solvers.

A 60 minute, 25 multiple choice Challenge.

It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think.

The problems on the Intermediate Maths Challenge are designed to make students think, most are accessible yet still challenge those with more experience.

A 60 minute, 25 multiple choice Challenge. It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought and fluency to make students think.

The problems on the Junior Maths Challenge are accessible yet still challenge those with more experience.

Our courses

Where do you hold your classes?
We hold our classes online or on-site on Saturdays at our branch in Pimlico Academy, London.
You can find our timetable here.
What do you need to start learning online?
For lessons you only need a computer or phone with a microphone, camera and Internet access. Wherever you are - in London, Nottingham, New York or Bali - online lessons will be at hand.
When can I take the introductory lesson?
You can get acquainted with the school at any time convenient for you. To do this, just leave a request and sign up for a lesson.
I can't attend class, what should I do?
It is OK, it happens! Students have the opportunity to cancel a lesson up to 8 hours before the scheduled time without loss of payment. So you can reschedule it for a convenient time, and the teacher will have the opportunity to
I don't have much free time, will I have time to study?
Learning can take place at your own pace. We will select a convenient schedule and at any time we will help you change the schedule, take a break or adjust the program.
How long is one lesson?
All classes last 1 hour.
We’re hiring!

Meet our team

Our teachers will tell you how to prepare for exams, help you cope with difficult tasks and win the Olympiad

They will tell you about the pitfalls of exams and the most common mistakes, and explain how to avoid them
George Ionitsa
Founder &
Teacher of Maths and Coding

Contact us

...or ask us anything

Smaller 3D model of a student sitting at his desk and preparing for competitions, exams and olympiads.

Ask about our courses and offerings, and we will help you choose what works best for you.

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